Corporate Lawyers, ExxonMobil, Jakarta

Corporate Lawyers

Exxon Mobil Corporation and its subsidiaries have a substantial presence in approximately 200 countries and territories around the world and are leaders in almost every aspect of the petroleum and petrochemical Industries. ExxonMobil started its groundbreaking work in Indonesia in 1968 with multibillion dollar investments, and has since helped the country grow into a global energy supplier.

Energetic, commercially astute lawyers are required for two exciting positions, which will involve a broad range of work across all of ExxonMobil s upstream oil and gas interests and emerging opportunities in Indonesia.

In supporting these interests, the roles will include drafting and negotiating commercial agreements and related documents concerning exploration, development and production operations and providing legal advice with respect to various aspects of those operations. Over time this broad range of legal work, may include drafting and negotiating production sharing contracts, joint operating, unitization, farm-in, and gas sales agreements, as well as providing litigation and compliance support.
The ideal candidate will be a senior associate level legal counsel, who offers quality business law experience currently working in a major law firm or In-house legal department.

While specific experience in providing legal support for upstream oil and gas operations will be well regarded, it is not essential, as training will be provided.
Excellent oral and written communication skills In Indonesian and English are a requirement. Strong relationship building skills self-confidence, flexibility, initiative and a strategic, pragmatic approach are essential.

This is an exceptional opportunity to join a highly respected international company offering good career advancement.

The successful candidates will be based in Jakarta.

Candidates should send their application consisting of a cover letter and a résumé both written in English to:

Applications close 8 February 2009.

No individual shall be authorized to use the ExxonMobil name and logo in an attempt to solicit up-front fees from the interested job-seekers. ExxonMobil shall not charge candidates for application fee of any kind whatsoever in this respect.

10 Replies to “Corporate Lawyers, ExxonMobil, Jakarta”

  1. ferdiansyah

    Kepada :
    Yth. Bapak / Ibu Pimpinan
    Corporate Lawyers, ExxonMobil.

    Dengan hormat,
    Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini,saya :
    Nama :Ferdiansyah
    Tempat / tanggal lahir :Jakarta,02 agustus 1990
    Pendidikan : SMK.
    Agama : Kristen.
    Status : Belum menikah.
    Alamat : Jln.permata Rt.12/05
    Kelurahan: Kebon Pala
    Kecamatan Jakarta timur
    Tlp. 081362624290
    Email :

    Dengan ini menyampaikan permohonan kerja kepada Bapak / Ibu Kepala Perusahaan agar kiranya saya dapat bekerja pada perusahaan yang Bapak / Ibu pimpin pada posisi yang sesuai dengan kemampuan dan pendidikan yang saya miliki.

    Demikian permohonan ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya dengan besar harapan agar dapat dipertimbangkan ,sebelum dan sesudahnya saya ucapkan terima kasih.

    Hormat saya,

    ( Ferdiansyah)

  2. errorbandit

    Haha.. kalian pada ngawur ngapain ngelamar di website comment kayak gini.. Haha ;D caranya: cari website company, cari vacancy, kalo bisa posting online atau kirim CV ke HR via email, bukan nulis comment kayak gini.. Hahaha…

  3. Ari susanto

    Kpd,Yth manejer personalia
    Di tempat.

    Dengan hormat,

    Nama:Ari susanto
    Tempat ttl:Indramayu,14 febuari 1989
    Alamat:Blok BTN/BKI GA 36,rt/rw 11/01 krangkeng-indramayu
    Pendidikan SMK OTOMOTIF
    Ingin bekerja di perusahaan yang IBU/BAPAK pimpin.

    Atas perhatian dan terkabul nya permohonan ini,saya ucapkan TERIMAKASIH.

    Hormat saya

    (Ari susanto)

  4. Filliani Andi Meriana

    Bapak/Ibu HRD

    Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:
    1. Nama :FIlliani Andi Meriana
    2. Tempat tgl lhr :Bogor,23 Agustus 1985
    3. Alamat :JL.Bhinneka III KP.Rumbut RT.01/09 NO.57 Cimanggis-Depok 16951
    4. Status :Menikah
    5. Pendidikan :SMK SEKRETARIS
    6. pengalaman :-APRIL 2004- JUNI 2009 di KOPERASI BRIMOB sbg KASIR.

    Besar harapan saya untuk bisa bekerja di perusahaan yg Bapak/Ibu pimpin.

    Atas perhatianya saya ucapkan terima kasih.

    Hormat Saya

    (Filliani Andi M)

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