Field Government Relations Manager ConocoPhillips



Field Government Relations Manager
This Field Government Relations Manager position will have the primary responsibility for developing, maintaining and strengthening relationship with the upper level local government (provincial, regency, sub-districts) in all Company s field locations to ensure smooth operations and maintain positive company image. Obtain from the local government timely approval of proposal/recommendation as well as issuance/extension of required permits. Takes part and provides advice to the management on developing high level local government relations/engagement strategy as part of the overall business strategy. Assists the business in ensuring operations stability and sustainability through continuous assessment of local political condition.
Required & Preferred Skills/Competencies:

  • Has a university degree (S1).
  • Minimum of 10 years of experience showing progressive responsibilities, specifically in government relations.
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal, teamwork and networking skills.
  • Good knowledge of the oil & gas business.
  • Strategic and ability to lead and motivate group.
  • Has analytical and conflict resolution skills.
  • Good command of Bahasa Indonesia and English (spoken and written).
  • Has proven networking with key players in the field and central governments.
  • Has proven ability to enter governments system and positively influence the decision making process.

Only those individuals who fully meet the above requirements need apply.

Write down THE POSITION TITLE you apply in the subject of your email not later than March 8th 2011 to:

5 Replies to “Field Government Relations Manager ConocoPhillips”

  1. Y Roberth Alfons Se

    To the Dear Leader, Head HRD
    In Jakarta

    I The undersigned,
    Name: Y Roberth Alfons Se
    Address: No.11 Cemara Pesona Asri
    Banyumanik, Semarang.
    TTL: Ambon, February 23, 1967
    Educational Background: S1-UNTAG Economics, 1945, Semarang
    Last Position: Asst Vice President SEQUIS, Semarang

    I work in a professional, either ourselves or a the Team, and I will try to fulfill what is my responsibility as Field Government Relations Manager ConocoPhillips at the company that Mr / Mrs. led, if I am given the opportunity to join.
    before I thank you for your attention and wisdom of Mr / Mrs. Leader.

    Semarang, March 14, 2011

    Y Roberth Alfons Se
    081228527737, 081901900435

  2. Y Roberth Alfons Se

    To the Dear Leader, Head HRD
    In Jakarta

    I The undersigned,
    Name: Y Roberth Alfons Se
    Address: No.11 Asri Pine Enchantment
    Banyumanik, Semarang.
    TTL: Ambon, February 23, 1967
    Educational Background: S1-UNTAG Economics, 1945, Semarang
    Last Position: Asst Vice President SEQUIS, Semarang

    I work in a professional, either ourselves or a the Team, and I will try to fulfill what is my responsibility as Field Government Relations Manager ConocoPhillips at the company that Mr / Mrs. led, if I am given the opportunity to join.
    before I thank you for your attention and wisdom of Mr / Mrs. Leader.

    Semarang, March 14, 2011

    Y Roberth Alfons Se
    081228527737, 081901900435

  3. Robert Allfon

    To the Dear Leader, Head HRD
    In Jakarta

    I The undersigned,
    Name: Y Roberth Alfons Se
    Address: No.11 Asri Pine Enchantment
    Banyumanik, Semarang.
    TTL: Ambon, February 23, 1967
    Educational Background: S1-UNTAG Economics, 1945, Semarang
    Last Position: Asst Vice President SEQUIS, Semarang

    I work in a professional, either ourselves or a the Team, and I will try to fulfill what is my responsibility as Field Government Relations Manager ConocoPhillips at the company that Mr / Mrs. led, if I am given the opportunity to join.
    before I thank you for your attention and wisdom of Mr / Mrs. Leader.

    Semarang, March 14, 2011

    Y Roberth Alfons Se
    081228527737, 081901900435

  4. Amri Ramadanus.SE

    Palembang, 03 Maret 2011
    kepada yth,
    bapak / ibu pipinan perusahaan a/n HRD
    Field Government Relations Manager ConocoPhillips
    di Tempat

    Dengan hormat,
    saya bertanda tangan dibawah ini :
    Nama : Amri Ramadanus,SE,SPd
    Tgl/lahir : Palembang/01 April 1976
    No HP/TLP : 085267894113/0711-540171
    Email :
    Pendidikan : Srata 1
    Alamat : Jl. Kaptem Abdullah No.124 RT.008-RW.003 Kel. Talang Putri
    Kec. Plaju (Palembang)

    Dengan ini mengajukan lamaran pekerjaan ke Field Government Relations Manager ConocoPhillips dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :
    01. Foto 4x 6 1 Lbr
    02. Kartu Tanda Penduduk 1 Lbr
    03. Ijazah STIE dan STKIP 1 Lbr
    04. Transkip Nilai 1 Lbr
    05. Sertifikat Computer 1 Lbr
    06. Sertifikat Bahasa Inggris 1 Lbr
    07. Sertifikat Forestry Knowledge 1 Lbr
    08. Sertifikat On Becoming Effective People 1 Lbr
    09. Pengalaman :
    1. PT. Arara Abadi – PT. Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper – Sinar Mas
    (Tahun 1999 – 2008)
    2. PT. Tunas Baru Lampung – PT. Sungai Budi
    (Tahun 2010-2011)
    09. Piagam Penghargaan Dari PT. Arara Abadi – PT. Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper – Sinar Mas
    10. Data diri

    Demikianlah surat lamaran kerja ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya dengan harapan Bapak/Ibu pimpinan Perusahaan
    dapat menerima saya menjadi karyawan di perusahaan yang bapak/ibu pimpin. Terimakasih

    Hormat Saya,

    Amri Ramadanus, SE,SPd

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