General Affairs Coordinator Pertamina Hulu Energi


Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ is a global energy company committed to business innovation and environmental leadership. With the significant worldwide growth of PHE ONWJ s oil and gas business, the need arises for an experienced to join the team located in Jakarta.

A highly respected team offering leading edge thinking and works in partnership with the business to deliver the challenging business goals. This also offers the opportunity for flexible working in delivering such goals, values and performance, and is committed to your continual training and career development.



  • Provide leadership, handle communication and implementation of company HSE policies and initiatives through company fleet management services.
  • Manage company fleet, including pool/functional, operational cars and call-out services to support company transportation services, including transportation request for visitors.
  • Develop, mort and update agreed service level agreement (SLA) as performance indicator with metrics reporting for each company fleet which cover contracted equipments end supporting staff.
  • Prepare contest request fans with its scope of work, amendment or to extend contract with justifications when needed or cc business requirements.
  • Prepare end manage monthly report on related transportation activities & all associated coats, including review driver overtime.


  • Degree in any discipline, preferably in transportation management with at least 5 peers working experience in oil & gas Industry.
  • Possess strong knowledge in fleet management service and developing transportation contract
  • Good experience in cash flow management, mechanical and transport dispatcher



  • Construct various G&G maps and cross sections. Perform basic volumetric reserves calculation.
  • Integrate various geological, geophysical and reservoir engineering data to identify prospects of both exploratory and infill wells.
  • Provides technical presentation end reports on the work progress, interim end final assessment for approval by supervisor and submission to Management and Governments.
  • Interpret geological, geophysical and other technical Information collected from exploration end development
  • Performs velocity analysis, synthetic seismogram analysis, seismic attribute analysis and detailed seismic interpretation.
  • Performs G&G reservoir description and characterization, and constructs geological reservoir model.
  • Identify and estimate surface geological conditions, recommend the exploration activity program and reservoir management practices


  • Degree in Geology or Geophysics with at least 5 years working experience in oil and gas Development or Exploration activities.
  • Posses strong knowledge in Geological and Geophysical tools such as: landmark suites; Roxar RMS: Risk Analysis and Basin modeling software.
  • Able louse knowledge of geological principles to determine the location end size of crude oil deposits.



  • Deliver safe and efficient subsea campaigns with focus on project execution activities.
  • Mobilize assurance coordination, liaise with HSE, Marine, Operation, Facility Integrity and Subsea Operations Technical Authority.
  • Manage the provision of CSR and diva representatives.
  • Lead the execution stages of individual campaigns for subsea data acquisition, maintenance, and repair operations.


  • Degree in engineering (offshore engineering) with at least 4-5 years working experience in oil and gas industry.
  • Possess strong knowledge in and be Se to implement HSE handbook of requirement, safety standard, and procedures.
  • Experience in subsea operation.

Roles (Report to Project Lead)

  • PE for fire & Gas
  • PE for Facility Improvement Projects


  • Develop and lead the team to deliver results.
  • Work with other project managers/leaders to ensure common (non-dedicated) people resources have clear expectations and time availability; Identify gaps and recognize/provide resources to flit those gaps.
  • Manage contractors in assigned areas to ensure they are brought into the project the appropriate time is provide support and/or support essential, end to ensure compliance with COMPANY safety standards and contracts.
  • Develop coal estimates, monitor and control costs; develop estimated schedule, monitor and control schedule; develop KPIs with teem.
  • Within overall execution strategy provide clear design basis, operating strategy, end scope.
  • Manage the aspects of project regarding changes is the project
  • Monitor end control project schedule and progress, including contracts
  • Ensures alignment to pm-established information management system.
  • Ensure quality by looking for value: Identity the drivers, push back as needed, and address the business needs as wet as the project needs.
  • Manage project risks.
  • Deliver project HSSE / integrity management.


  • Degree in engineering or construction management with at teens 7 years working experience is oil end gas industry.
  • Possess strong knowledge in project management system.
  • Experience in EPC project related to oil and gas industry.
  • Have good leadership skits to lead multidiscipline team in delivering project assigned.

Roles (Report to Project Manager):

  • Facility Improvement Projects
  • APN Development
  • Reactivation Projects


  • Proactively demonstrate high degree of sophisticated decision-making /leadership struts needed to address the complex stakeholder groups end issues associated with lisle level of projects.
  • Effectively manage ongoing relationship with primary contractor – and at related vendors, suppliers to ensure their compliance with project contracting strategy.
  • Build end lad high performance teems; Develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)/Performance Plan/ Goats and Objectives for overall project
  • Manage overall Internal and external interfaces for project teem.
  • Develop, Implement and manage an Execution Plan, and lead execution strategies.
  • Develop critical coats and schedule estimates, address all critical project control elements, and. Cost /Schedule / Quality/ Rink Mgmt/ Info Mgmt/ etc.
  • Ensure the hit and proper implementation of execution strategy in FEL.
  • Develop end implement project contracting strategy that meets Execution/Contracting project goals.
  • Ensure the project team s compliance with all reporting requirements and establish delegation of authority within project teem for such reporting.
  • Deliver project in accordance with HOE requirements, and lead project teem personnel towards achieving this goat
  • Focus on business objectives or the big pictures of the project, above and beyond the immediate project goats.
  • Adhere to end promote by leadership the Management Framework leadership standards, including codes of ethical conduct, related to deployment of all business objectives.
  • Manage and define all aspects or risk and changed related to project

Specific Responsibility:

  • Manage development, modification and reactivation project in company.
  • Manage design, engineering procurement and construction activities for project under frisker responsibility
  • Manage team and contractors 111sf assume responsibility for progress and qualify of the project from conceptual/appraisal stage through start-up stage sod performance evaluation.
  • Develop realistic strategy to complete the project within the approved budget and manpower tenets.
  • Provide project Information to management on a timely end regular basis. Advise the management on the status end critical issues involved in the completion of the project managed.
  • Develop and maintain good working relationship within PHE ONWJ and project related government personnel to obtain approval that affect costs and schedule of the facilities.


  • Degree in related Engineering and /or Construction Management with at least 10 years working experience in Oil & gas Industry.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of project management systems (preferably those who are certified in Project Management for similar).
  • Good experience in EPCI projects in Oil and Gas development.
  • Have a good leadership in leading multidiscipline team to deliver projects.

You will be a self starter with strong Interpersonal and team working skills and will be fluent In English end Bahasa Indonesia. Forward your complete resume and recent photograph with interested position in your email address to:

Applications close 18 March 2010

13 Replies to “General Affairs Coordinator Pertamina Hulu Energi”

  1. Wahyu Nugroho

    Nama saya wahyu nugroho, Umur 27 tahun Latar belakang Pendidikan saya SMk Negeri 5 Semarang Jurusan mesin produksi, saya memiliki pengalaman kerja di PT. Siba Group sebagai mekanik logistik selama 2 tahun.
    siap bekerja dibawah tekanan, mampu bekerja secara team maupun individu.

    Wahyu Nugroho

  2. Dedy Aspian Nur

    Tanjung Selor, 18 September 2010

    Kepada Yth,

    Bapak Pimpinan PT.PERTAMINA


    Dengan hormat,

    Saya yang bertandatangan dibawah ini, mengajukan permohonan sebagai kandidat karyawan dengan posisi sesuai yang tertera di website PT.PERTAMNIA sebagai GA.

    Adapun identitas dan bio data saya terlampir pada CV pada halaman 2- 4.

    Sebagai bahan pertimbangan Bapak,saya bekerja di PT. Swakarsa Sinarsentosa di Muara Wahau yang bergerak dibidang Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit. Sa’at ini saya diberi kepercayaan sebagai CSR Head-Region Tanjung Selor yang bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap kegiatan ke CSR an. Sebelumnya saya hampir + 6 Tahun memegang Departemen Personnal General Servives ( HRD, GA & Logistik ) dengan Cover Area Kerja 6.000 Tenaga Kerja.

    Demikian pengajuan diri saya ini disampaikan, jika saya diberi kesempatan untuk mengikuti test, mohon dapat menghubungi 6 hari sebelum test dilakukan, atas perhatian Bapak diucapkan terima kasih.

    Hormat saya,

    Dedy Aspain Nur


    Alamat Rumah Alamat Kantor
    Jl. Prapatan No 56 RT 32 PT.Swakarsa Sinarsentosa
    Balikpapan Sapta Mulia Center
    Kalimantan Timur Jl. Rawa Gelam V Kav.OR 3 B
    Telp : 0542-416871, HP : 08195430200 / 081254273745 Pulogadung Jakarta 13930
    62-21-461835 EXT 418

    Tempat Tgl Lahir : Samarinda, 21 January 1974
    Golongan Darah : B
    Suku Bangsa : Kutai/Indonesia
    Status Menikah : Menikah 2 anak
    Pendidikan : Sarjana Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Unmul
    Indek Prestasi : 3,25 (tiga koma dua puluh lima)
    Hobby : Memancing
    Olah Raga : Tenis Meja & Bulu Tangkis
    Gaji yg Diinginkan : Rp.20.000.000,-( dua puluh juta rupiah )

    Pengalaman Kerja

    2009 – Sekarang Sebagai Corporate Social Responsilibity Head Region Tanjung selor, Swakarsa Sinarsentosa Group.

    2006 – 2009 Head CD & KMT CSR, Swakarsa Sinarsentosa Group
    • Bertanggung Jawab terhadap Aktivitas Kegiatan CSR (Corporate Social Responsbility) yang bersifat Devlopment Program dan Penyelesaian Perselisihan dengan Masyarakat di sekitar melalui program Community Relation.
    • Menyusun program kerja Tahunan CSR yang berorientasi Konsep Pemberdayaan Masyarakat.

    2003 – 2006 Kepala Personnel and General Services, Swakarsa Sinarsentosa Group. Estate Muara Wahau.

    • Bertanggung jawab terhadap seluruh aktivitas kegiatan HRD 8 (delapan) Estate Kebun Kelapa Sawit ( 40.000 Ha ), 4 ( empat ) Perusahaan Yaitu PT. DHARMA AGROTAMA NUSANTARA, PT. DHARMA INTISAWIT NUGRAHA dan PT. SWAKARSA SINARSENTOSA dan 1 ( satu ) Pabrik Kelapa Sawit yang telah beroperasi dengan kapasitas 90 ton / Jam. Pelaksanaan seleksi, penerimaan dan penempatan tenaga, fungsi Industrial Relation melingkupi kegiatan fasilitas forum Bipartit, peraturan perusahaan, penanganan perselisihan industrial , analisa peraturan perundang-undangan, analisa problem karyawan, review kebijakan dibidang hubungan industrial, perjanjian kerja, penanganan terhadap kasus-kasus yang melibatkan pihak external ( Depnaker dan Institusi lain ). Fungsi personalia yaitu monitoring kegiatan administrasi personalia ( penggajian, data karyawan, control terhadap pelaksanaan fasilitas dan benefit karyawan serta dokumen data personalia.
    • Bertanggung jawab terhadap system pembayaran upah karyawan pemanen karyawan rawat. Dengan melakukan kontroling LHM (laporan harian mandor) dan LHP (laporan harian panen).
    • Bertanggung jawab terhadap terhadap laporan-laporan produksi TBS dan laporan penggunaan BBM secara group ke Ho Jakarta.
    • Bertanggung jawab terhadap laporan secara menyeluruh realiasasi cost up date bulanan, yaitu melalui program Cost Report On Operation of SWA group, yang mampu menyajikan data cost maupun budget tiap departemen secara menyeluruh.
    • Bertanggung jawab terhadap kegiatan logistic (gudang) dengan menggunakan system inventory and Matrial Usage Tracking.
    • Membantu fungsi legal yang berkaitan dengan proses operasional di lapangan, yaitu perizinan despach CPO di Labanan Kabupaten Berau.
    • Bertanggung jawab terhadap control / pengawasan dan monitoring kegiatan general affair (housing, offices, transportation, dokumen exit permit dan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan public affair).
    • Cover Area Kerja + / – 3750 Tenaga Kerja ( direct dan Indirect ).

    2001 – 2003 Asisten Personal & Umum di PT. Swakarsa Sinarsentosa.

    1999 – 2001 Staff Dept Community Devlopment PT. Adindo Hutani Lestari tbk Tarakan.

    1997 – 1999 Staff Analisa & Marketing PT. Road Pall Mall of Indonesia, Samarinda.
    • Bertanggung jawab terhadap hasil pemasaran dan peningkatan penjualan produk serta pemerataan hasil produk sehingga dapat dikenal oleh kalangan luas.

    Project Assigment ke CD an

    • Wakil Koordinator Penyelesaian masalah tuntutan masyarakat kecamatan Sesayap Kabupaten Bulungan terhadap Makam tumbuh yang berada di areal PT. Adindo Hutani Lestari. (1999).
    • Team Komite CDP, penyelesaian lahan dengan masyarakat Nehas Liah Bing yang berada diareal PT.Dharna Intisawit Nugraha.
    • Team Komite CDP, penyelesaian areal tebas tebang dengan masyarakat 3 desa (Benhes, Diak Lay & Dabeq) di Areal PT. Dharma Agrotama Nusantara.
    • Team Komite CDP, penyelesaian areal kemitraan dengan masyarakat desa Muara Wahau, Dabeq, Diak Lay dan Benhes.
    • Team Komite CDP penyelesaian areal Pabrik Kelapa Sawit dengan masyarakat Nehas Liah Bing.
    Project Assgment Logistik, HRD & General Services

    • Wakil Projec Pembuatan SOP (Standar Operasional Prosedur) yaitu bertanggung jawab terhadap penerapan dan implementasi program-program baru serta membenahi system. ( 2004 s/d 2006 ).


    • 1986 Lulus Sekolah Dasar N 008, Samarinda Kal-Tim
    • 1989 Lulus Madrasyah Tsanawiyah Negeri, Samarinda Kal-Tim
    • 1992 Lulus Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Samarinda Kal-Tim
    • 1997 Lulus Fakultas Pertanian Unmul, Samarinda Kal-Tim
    • 1999 Pelatihan Hubungan Industrial Depnaker Tarakan, Kal-Tim
    • 2001 Kunjungan Tehnis ke PTP XIII (Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit), Tanah Grogot
    • 2006 Strive For Excellence di Muara Wahau, Kal-Tim
    • 2007 Pelatihan Pengurus Koperasi Kemitraan Perkebunan oleh Pemkab Kutim,Kal-Tim
    • 2008 Membangun Sinergi Kemitraan Tiga Pihak- TRIPATIT dalam Rangka Iplementasi CSR
    • 2008 Pelatihan Manajemen CSR Aplikasi pada Perusahaan Perkebunan
    • 2008 Instruktur Swakarsa Basic Training Program

    Tanjung Selor, 18 September 2010
    Hormat Kami,

    Dedy Aspian Nur

  3. raharjo

    saya bekerja di salah satu perusahaan swasta nasional yg bergerak dalam industri perkebunan tebu sebagai general affai koordinator, tugas yang saya jalani adalah mengurus dokumen perdagangan antar pulau yang disertakan dalam pengiriman barang dari pabrik ke tempat konsumen .tugas lainya adalah mengurus pembayaran pajak kendaraan,pajak reklame, bilboard serta pengurusan perijinan lainya.
    Saya juga pernah menjalani pekerjaan pada divisi internal audit selama 2 tahun, divisi sales 2,5 tahun.
    saya sangat tertarik untuk bergabung pada posisi general affair koordinaror pada perusahaan pertamina hulu energi.

  4. genny novalio

    saya bekerja diperusahaan farmasi (PT.interbat) sebagai staff GA tugas rutinitas pemeliharaan gedung, pengaturan kendaraan baik untuk tamu, marketing dan asuransi selain itu pengurusan perijinan, pengurusan dokumen owner(paspor dll), dan perusahaan (pajak, asuransi dll) serta pembayaran yg rutin untuk tiap bulan seperti listrik, pam, indovision dll, mengatur office boy, cleaning service, security (all out sourcing)dan garderner untuk tiap bulan memberikan laporan baik gedung, kendaraan serta membuat buget/ forecash untuk setiap bulan berikutnya. saya juga melakukan negotation dengan pembelian kendaraan, percetakan, sewa kendaraan serta dengan supplier sipil, ME. saya juga melakukan pembelian untuk ATK dan kebutuhan dapur.


  5. Prima Hidayanti

    Could you please register my name and continue send the vacancy regularly.


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