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Situs bursalowongankerja.net hadir untuk membantu para pencari kerja maupun pekerja untuk membangun karir, kami menyediakan informasi lowongan pekerjaan terbaru, tips wawancara, serta informasi lainnya yang mendukung proses perekrutan.

Bagi perusahaan yang ingin memberikan informasi lowongan kerja di perusahaannya dapat mengisi form dibawah ini selengkap-lengkapnya dalam Bahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris (lebih disukai) dengan format:

1. Deskripsi Perusahaan
2. Posisi lowongan
3. Persyaratan
4. Informasi pengiriman
5. Tanggal penutupan

Diutamakan menggunakan email (domain) resmi perusahaan, contoh; karir@perusahaananda.com, jika anda butuh domain dan email perusahaan, bisa menghubungi kami dengan mengisi formulir komentar.

Contoh sbb:

bursalowongankerja.net adalah situs informasi lowongan pekerjaan terbaru, baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Kami membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi sebagai berikut:

PHP Programmer


1. Fresh Graduate
2. D3/S1 jurusan Informasi Teknologi
3. Mengerti PHP Scripting Languange

Jika anda mememuhi persyaratan diatas, silahkan kirimkan surat lamaran beserta CV ke karir[a]bursalowongankerja.net

Email kami terima paling lambat pada 26 November 2008

48 Replies to “About”

  1. Mario Buana

    1. Deskripsi Perusahaan

    At Omeoo Media, our work is centered around the brand. Creating an emotional connection between our client and their audience starts and ends with the brand experience.

    We have a deep understanding of brands and the ways in which their attributes can be expressed—whether through text, image or multimedia. We work closely with our clients to uncover these attributes and communicate the core messages that bridge the gap between the brand and its audience.

    As a full service interactive design studio, we help our clients achieve all of their goals by making sure the brand experience is fully realized, from the planning stages to the final implementation. Our designers and developers create compelling solutions that target our clients’ objectives and their audience’s needs by finding a true balance between form and function.

    Our Environment

    Omeoo Media was founded in the belief that design can help strengthen brands and empower users with access to information and services.

    Our studio is passionate about creating great brand solutions for our clients and we hope to be a part of your next solution. To find out more about what we can do for you, please contact us, we’d love to hear from you.

    2. Posisi lowongan

    We are currently looking for unique, enthusiast, and fun loving people to join our team. Omeoo Media is now opening position for Graphic Web Designer and Web Programmer.

    1. Graphic Web Designer (GWD)


    -Creating the look and feel of World Wide Web pages for a client’s Web site.
    -Creating any graphical material needed to support client’s digital campaign
    -Take part in the initial planning of a digital campaign including ideas for the layout and structure of the site
    -Work closely with Senior Graphic Designer and collaborate with other team member to achieve project’s goals.


    -Fresh graduates are welcome. Working experience in the same field is a plus.
    -Able to show proficiency in sketching and making illustration
    -Fluent with Adobe® family (Photoshop and Illustrator is a must)
    -Have basic knowledge in web design
    -Ability to create Flash is a plus

    2. Web Programmer (WP)


    -Writing web pages in a combination of codes, such as HTML and XHTML, CSS, Javascript, Actionscript, ColdFusion, .Net, Flash, or using code-generating programs, such as Dreamweaver and Visual Studio
    -Convert raw images and layouts from a graphic designer into CSS/XHTML themes
    -Determine appropriate architecture, and other technical solutions, and make relevant recommendations to the team
    -Testing the site for functionality, maintaining, and fixing errors
    -Work closely with Senior Programmer and collaborate with other team member to achieve project’s goal.


    -Fresh graduates are welcome. Working experience in the same field is a plus.
    -Understood PHP on OOP and debugging
    -Expert in PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS
    -Have experience using AJAX and jQuery, XML, and RSS
    -Depth knowledge in MySQL
    -Experience in working with frameworks
    -Experience with hardware and software issues
    -Flash video/animation experience a plus

    Interested applicants should submit:

    * Application letter
    * CV / Resume
    * Recent photograph
    * Portfolio

    Pack it all and send it up to:

    5. Tanggal penutupan


  2. Nova

    Gagasimaji adalah salah satu perusahaan konsultan yang bergerak di bidang pengembangan teknologi dan aplikasi web di Bandung.

    Kami banyak melakukan eksplorasi dalam membuat aplikasi layanan untuk menghasilkan solusi dengan kualitas dan servis yang tinggi.

    Kami juga memiliki pengalaman dalam menangani project-project luar negeri dengan fokus pada pembuatan theme/template. Kami menawarkan Anda kesempatan untuk berkembang pada standar luar negeri.

    Saat ini, kami sangat membutuhkan beberapa kandidat yang dapat mengisi posisi dengan kualifikasi berikut ini :

    Persyaratan Umum
    • Disiplin, mau belajar dan cepat mempelajari hal yang baru
    • Memiliki sifat positif, pekerja keras, self learner, kreatif dan perhatian pada detail
    • Mempunyai sikap dan kepribadian yang baik
    • Mampu bekerja/berorientasi pada jadwal
    • Mampu bekerjasama dalam tim
    • Mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan kerja
    • Kemampuan b. Inggris yang baik

    Persyaratan Khusus

    DESIGNER – FullTime (Kode : D)
    1. Pendidikan min. SMU/SMK
    2. Menguasai Adobe Photoshop dan Adobe Illustrator
    3. Terbiasa dengan konsep layout desain web (desain orientasi web)
    4. Paham dan mengerti mengenai typografi dan perpaduan warna (colour scheme)

    1. Pendidikan min. D3
    2. Fresh Graduate are welcome
    2. Menguasai HTML dan CSS
    3. Menguasai Adobe Photoshop dan Illustrator
    4. Mengenal dan mampu mengimplementasikan JavaScript frameworks, seperti jQuery, Mootools dll
    5. Berpengalaman dalam CMS, seperti Joomla,WordPress, Drupal, OSCommerce dll
    6. Mengerti konsep grid system, seperti 960 dan BluePrint

    1. Pendidikan min. D3
    2. Fresh Graduate are welcome
    3. Mengerti dan menguasai PHP & Javascript (jQuery, Mootools)
    4. Berpengalaman dengan CMS seperti Joomla,WordPress, Drupal dll
    5. Mengerti dan paham konsep OOP
    6. Dapat membuat desain arsitektur sistem yang akan dibuat

    Jika ANDA memenuhi persyaratan di atas, lampirkan beberapa hal berikut ini :

    • CV
    • Portfolio
    • Gaji yang diharapkan

    Silahkan kirim ke email : karir@gagasimaji.com
    Paling lambat berkas lamaran kami terima
    tanggal 25 November 2011

  3. Yoga Rent A Car

    Yoga Rent A Car berkedudukan di Medan. Kami membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi sebagai berikut:
    English Speaking Driver di Medan
    1. Menguasai jalan di kota Medan dan sekitarnya
    2. Mengerti perawatan mobil
    3. Berkelakuan baik
    Jika anda mememuhi persyaratan diatas, silahkan kirimkan surat lamaran ke info@yogarentalcars.com
    Email kami terima paling lambat pada 20 Desember 2011

  4. meutia andriani

    We are, a fast-growing Export Furniture Company, looking for young, dynamic, and flexible candidates for the position of :

    (location: Semarang)

    Qualifications :
    – Female, max 28 years old
    – Min. graduated from D3/S1 of any major, with any GPA (We don’t trust your GPA listed on paper comparing with the work effort in field)
    – Computer literate and fluent in English is a must
    – Quick adapted, self starter, dynamic and pay attention to details
    – Have strong initiatives and desire for the result and willing to work in any environment
    – Able to work under pressure to meet deadlines

    Send your latest impressive CV with photo to :

    Latest application received : September 30th,2011

  5. Lowongan Kerja

    Selamat malam…
    Saya tertarik sekali dengan site job vacancy yg saudara kelola.
    Saya pun sama memiliki niche blog ttg job vacancy.
    Jika saudara bersedia, saya ingin sekali link exchange dgn blog ini.
    Ditunggu responnya via email.
    Terima kasih :))

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