Sales Manager PT. Nusapro Telemedia Persada


One of the leading companies of telecommunication is looking for qualified candidates to fill in the following positions:

1. Sales Manager (SM) / Area Manager (AM)

  • S-1 Degree (SM, AM)
  • Age max 35 years old (SM); 30 years old (AM)
  • At least 6 years experiences (SM); 4 years experiences (AM) in managerial, sales retail & distribution
  • Located Jabodetabek, West of Java, Central of Java, East of Java, North of Sumatera

2. Sales Executive (SE)

  • S-1 Degree, Age max 28 years old
  • At least 2 years experiences in sales retail & distribution
  • Located Jabodetabek

3. Programmer

  • S-1 Degree from IT or Computer Science
  • Familiar with RDBMS such as: MS SQL Server & Oracle
  • Familiar with Crystal Report, Windows Base and Web Development using VB6, VB.Net, Delphi, Java, PHP & ASP
  • Willing to explore new technology for future development
  • Minimum 1 year experience
  • Located Jakarta

Menara Imperium Lt. 26
JI. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. 1
Jakarta 12980

3 Replies to “Sales Manager PT. Nusapro Telemedia Persada”

  1. denibg

    kalau boleh saya ingin usul ke pihak Nusapro untuk mengadakan program Kartu Perdana MLM / Jaringan. Tapi jangan sampai kelemahan sistem MLM nya terbawa bawa

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