Sales Supervisor LG

Great Opportunity in 2009!

To support its mobile phone business growth and operation, LG Electronics Indonesia is, open vacancy for professionals to the following positions:

Sales Supervisor (SPV)

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience required
  • Minimum 2 years experiences in sales and marketing area
  • Perform excellent work both individually and a team
  • Result oriented, stay focus under constant challenges and tight deadline
  • Fluent in English and computer literate

Written application, reference documents & recent photograph should be submitted before April 25, 2009 to:

LG Electronics Indonesia
One Pacific Place Building – Suite 1101, SCBD
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52 – 53
Jakarta 12190
Email to:

Please indicate the position applied by stating the position code on the envelope email subject. Application be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be notified

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