Coal & Mineral Drilling Bintang Mandiri Perkasa

BMP Drill

A Drilling Contractor in Coal, Mineral, Oil and Gas Industry is currently seeking for qualified candidate as follows:

A. Coal and Mineral Drilling

  1. Drilling Supervisor for Coring/Mud Rotary
  2. Senior Driller for Coring/Mud Rotary/RC
  3. Health & Safety Officer
  4. Mechanic
  5. Welder
  6. Geologist
  7. Geotechnical Engineer
  8. Workshop Supervisor


  • A minimum STM/SMU with 10 years experience in drilling (A1) and 5 years experience (A2)
  • A minimum D3 with 3 years experience, basic Geology has additional point, hold a valid K3 MIGAS & POP certificate (A3)
  • A minimum STM/ Automotive with 5 years experience in rig service, maintenance & hydraulic system (A4)
  • A minimum STM/SMU with 5 years experience & hold valid MIGAS certificate (A6)
  • A minimum S1 Geology with 5 years experience in related subject (A7)
  • A minimum D3 in related subject with 5 years experience in mechanical & fabrications (A8)
  • Domicile JABODETABEK has additional point (4,5,6)

B. Oil and Gas Drilling

  1. Rig Superintendent (AP III)
  2. Toolpusher (APB III)
  3. Driller (JB III)


  • SMU/D3 with 5 years experience in related subject, hold a valid MIGAS certificate (B1-B3).

Please submit your application and CV to:

6 Replies to “Coal & Mineral Drilling Bintang Mandiri Perkasa”

  1. Doan Wahyu P

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    Dodo Wahyu [Chat now]

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    Doan Wahyu Phermana

    Bersama Ini saya mengajukan lamaran pekerjaan kepada perusahaan Bapak/Ibu pimpin.
    Oleh karena itu apabila ada kesempatan untuk bergabung menjadi Karyawan.

    Identitas diri sebagai berikut:
    Nama : Doan Wahyu Phermana
    TTL : Malang, 10 Oktober 1984
    Alamat : Jl Sultan Agung 81 Singosari 81 Singosari Malang
    Pnddkn Terakhir : D3 Manajemen Keuangan & Perbankan
    Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang 2007
    Telephone : 081230127137

    Pengalaman Kerja :
    1. Monitoring Reload Pulsa International di Jakarta
    2. Pengawas Pruksi PT KMJ Krian Sidoarjo Unit PT BERLINA Pandaan
    3. Adminitrasi Produksi PR. GAGAK HITAM Bondowoso
    4. Medical Reprensetatif PT PHAROS INDONESIA
    Demikian Surat Lamaran pekerjaan saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya dan atas perhatiannya terima kasih.

    Hormat saya,

    Doan Wahyu P

  2. ahmad jihadudin

    kepada yth kepala personalia bersamaan ini saya megajukan permohonan kerja,degan pertim bagan
    sertifikat :(1)BLKI SINOSARI (2)PLTU PAITON UNIT 7&8 /
    PT IPMOMI .sebgai welder .
    hp 085736160114/03427700160

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