Crane Operator PT Supraco



A Jakarta based company with more than 30 years experience in providing service to Oil and Gas Industry in Indonesia is seeking for the best candidates to fill the following position:

  1. Asst. Driller
  2. Crane Operator
  3. Mechanic
  4. Electrician
  5. Radio Operator
  6. Welder ABS
  7. Pumpman
  8. Shakerman
  9. Ass. Electrician
  10. Motorman
  11. Derrickman
  12. Head Roustabout
  13. Head Painter
  14. Roughneck
  15. Floorman / hand
  16. Roustabout
  17. Deck Pusher
  18. Painter / Cleaner


  1. Have minimum 3 years experience working on Offshore Rig
  2. Able to communicate in English
  3. Good team player and endow with excellent interpersonal skill
  4. Result of Medical checkup
  5. Have valid certification:
    • BOSIET
    • HUET
    • Sea Survival
    • Migas Certificate

How to apply:
If you meet the above requirement we invite you to send your application letter, CV and certificate with photo to: or Only short-listed candidates will be notified for interview.

23 Replies to “Crane Operator PT Supraco”

  1. Aldy

    Nama saya aldy umur 35 thn. Saya crane operator dn kompoten sejak thn 2003.sbagai bahan pertimbangan saya memiliki cetificate SIO.BST PSCRB SEAMEN BOOK.hp 6281350000549.

  2. Aldy

    Nama aldy. Saya ingin bekerja di prusaha,an yg bapk pimpin dngan sesuai bidang saya.sebegai bahan pertimbangan. Saya crane operator.sya memiliki certificate.sio.bst.pscrb.seamen book.hp 6281350000549.trima kasi sampai jumpa.


    dengan segala hormat,saya harap bapak/ibu pimpinan bisa menerima saya sebagai CRANE OPERATOR di perusahaan yang bapak/ibu pimpin. saya ucapkan terima kasih


  4. Anda s

    Nama : Anda supriyatna
    Tempat / tanggal Lahir : Jakarta,26 Oktober 1977
    Alamat : Jl Daan Mogot, Taman Kota Kp.Salo
    Rt.03 / Rw.04.
    No Telpon : 02145741342 / 085780462174.

    Dengan ini saya menyatakan ingin sekali bekerja sebagai crane operator. tentang alat crane saya cukup paham dan mengerti cara pengoprasiannya.

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