Monitoring and Evaluation Officer AIPEG


Australia Indonesia Partnership – Kemitraan Australia Indonesia


The Australia Indonesia Partnership for Economic Governance (AIPEG) is an AusAID-funded project assisting Indonesia to undertake economic and financial policy reforms. Norton Rose Australia, the Managing Contractor, seeks applications from qualified Indonesian professionals for the following position, located in the AIPEG office, Jakarta.

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
An opportunity exists for a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officer. for a period of 21 months, to provide M&E support that assists AIPEG and its partner agencies to measure the success of their reform initiatives. The successful candidate will be able to clearly demonstrate the following skills and attributes:

  • Experience in the M&E of capacity development
  • Demonstrated understanding of M&E approaches and methodologies
  • Demonstrated understanding of qualitative and quantitative survey methodologies
  • Fluent in both Bahasa Indonesia and English (both written and oral)
  • Proven administration skills
  • Excellent written communication skills

A copy of the Terms of Reference may be obtained by writing to: Applicants should submit a CV and a covering letter which clearly addresses the six selection criteria listed above. Interviews of short-listed candidates will take place in the week starting 20 December 2010. The successful candidate will be expected to start work in mid to late January 2011.

Applications close on 19 December 2010. Selection will be made in accordance with Government of Australia Procurement Guidelines. Norton Rose Australia is an equal opportunity employer.

One Reply to “Monitoring and Evaluation Officer AIPEG”

  1. Doan Wahyu Phermana

    Doan Wahyu Phermana

    Bersama Ini saya mengajukan lamaran pekerjaan kepada perusahaan Bapak/Ibu pimpin.
    Oleh karena itu apabila ada kesempatan untuk bergabung menjadi Karyawan.

    Identitas diri sebagai berikut:
    Nama : Doan Wahyu Phermana
    TTL : Malang, 10 Oktober 1984
    Alamat : Jl Sultan Agung 81 Singosari 81 Singosari Malang
    Pnddkn Terakhir : D3 Manajemen Keuangan & Perbankan
    Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang 2007
    Telephone : 081230127137

    Pengalaman Kerja :
    1. Monitoring Reload Pulsa International di Jakarta
    2. Pengawas Pruksi PT KMJ Krian Sidoarjo Unit PT BERLINA Pandaan
    3. Adminitrasi Produksi PR. GAGAK HITAM Bondowoso
    4. Medical Reprensetatif PT PHAROS INDONESIA
    Demikian Surat Lamaran pekerjaan saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya dan atas perhatiannya terima kasih.

    Hormat saya,

    Doan Wahyu P

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